North Tract : Visitor Contact Station:
Baltimore-Washington Parkway to Maryland Route 198 exit
East on 198 for approximately one and one-half miles to the
Refuge entrance on the right approximately one mile on
entrance road to the Visitor Contact Station.
Opening and closing hours 8:00am to 4:00pm daily.
Closed Federal Holidays.
South Tract: National Wildlife Visitor Center:
Baltimore - Washington Parkway to the Powder Mill Road Exit
East on Powder Mill Road for approximately 1.9 miles
Turn right into the Visitor Center entrance approximately 1.3
miles to the Visitor Center parking lot
Trails and grounds at Sunrise and close at 4:30 pm.
The National Wildlife Visitor Center is open to the public
from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm daily.
Close Federal Holidays.